Monday, September 19, 2011

Global Warming and Water Quality

!9# Global Warming and Water Quality

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Every day we are bombarded with messages from a variety of sources, from newspapers to websites to television with friends. The 24 hours news cycle, can be difficult for the average person to filter all this information. This can be even more frustrating when it comes to news, the direct impact is upon you and your family.

With the flood of information on global warming and its impact on the environment, it may seem as if the average consumer is omitted. The newstends to focus more on the macro level and not specifically on how global warming may not affect individuals and families.

Families across the country enjoy boating, nature, swimming, camping, hiking, etc. But the potential damage that global climate change on our outdoor fun, it is important for all of us, the extent of damage that occur could understand.

What are the implications, if any, of global warming on water quality? It is the effect or impactnegligible? As the average family size is influenced by the effects of global climate change?

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, the effects of global warming on water quality can be significant. In a report entitled "Environmental quality and recreation," some of their results show the importance of protecting the environment. Here are some of the results:

If the flow decreases and the temperature increases further (because of global climate change) To change the water quality could suffer in the country of rivers, bays and lakes. On rivers where the rivers fall, "increasing the concentrations of pollutants because there is less water to dilute the pollutants."

This would require ultimately, treatment plants and other pollution controls to be extended in an effort to protect the amount of pollutants. The cost of these upgrades would be significant. Some argue that global warming will lead to an increase in the severity ofStorms. In this case, with heavier precipitation, chemical runoff from farms, lawns, roads and lakes, rivers and bays-would increase. This increase would result in a number of additional problems. If reducing the amount of oxygen dissolved in the water system of the country, it could stifle fish, thus influencing a food source for many Americans. "Climate change could be the content of salt a little water" (source as above).

These and many otherThe problems of global climate change will affect water quality in the nation. With something so important to the nation's water, it is important to know the average consumer, as far as possible, thus increasing their ability to protect themselves and their families.

Global Warming and Water Quality

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